Stages of Obtaining an ISO certificate

Stages of Obtaining an ISO certificate

Stages of Obtaining an ISO certificate

The organization seeks to obtain ISO certificate to achieve the satisfaction of its customers who request it from their side, in order to increase their confidence in its products. To achieve this purpose it must go through the following stages:



Request for granting a certificate:

The Organization contacts a reference institution for industrial and environmental services (the entity concerned with granting ISO certificates), which will provide it with the necessary information about the progress of the process of obtaining the certificate and submitting an interrogation to be filled out by the organization so that it can collect all the necessary information to prepare the certificate and form a team of qualified auditors.

Offering or Submitting the Certificate:

A reference institution for industrial and environmental services shall award the certificate to the Organization, in accordance with the general conditions that it must comply with. It also informs the Organization of the duration and costs of the audit, which are determined according to the size of the organization and the complexity of the methods in place for obtaining the certificate, as well as the audit standard.

A prior review of the organization’s quality management system can be conducted in order to evaluate it and study the difference between it and the requirements of the ISO standard that the organization would like to obtain.

Organizing an initial audit: After granting the certificate to the organization and initiating to implement its conditions, a reference institution for industrial services shall select a qualified auditing team to intervene and carry out its mission. Before that, this team obtains the following documents, which the organization provides to it:

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