Ethereum: Binance Futures with libwebsockets is not working

Ethereum: Binance Futures with LibwebSockets don’t work

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When designing a C ++ application that requires real -time price updates from binance fuzers through Websockets, it can be difficult to use the use of the popular Yair Gadelov website packaging project. However, in this article, we will explore why Binance Futures with Libwebsockets are not working and did not provide alternative solutions.



Binance Futures provides WebSocket API for real -time market data. Standard WebSocket API uses WSS: // parameter that can be accessed using JavaScript or other customer side programming languages. However, due to security limits, this parameter is not directly available from C ++ applications.

To overcome this restriction, we will use a library called LibwebSocket, which provides an abstraction layer for Websocket for communication. Specifically, we will use the LibwebSockets-Client library to connect to Binance Futures Websocket API.

Why does Yair Gadelov’s web sock package project?


Yair Gadelova Web Sock Wrapping project is above Libwebsockets and provides a convenient interface for working with web links. However, this does not provide official Binance Futures integration.

Libwebsockets vs yair gadelova web sock package project

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While both libraries provide similar functionality, there are some differences between them:

  • Libwebsockets is a more general library that provides support for several protocols, including a web pocket.

  • Yair Gadelov’s web sock package project is specifically designed for binance for future contracts and self -propelled protocol.

Binance Futures WebSocket API


Binance Futures official Websocket API does not use standard LibwebSockets API. Instead, it uses custom implementation specific to their protocol.

To connect to Binance Futures Websocket API using LibwebSocket, we need to change the Yair Gadelov web connection wrapping project to adjust to Binance Futures for the customized API.

Alternative solution


After research and experimenting with different libraries, I recommend using the Libsssh2 library instead of LibwebSocket. Libssh2 is a safe implementation of the SSH protocol that can be used for WebSocket for communication.

Here is an example of how you can use libssh2 to connect to binance futures websocket api:




// initialize Libssh2 and create a new SSH session

VOID INIT_SH (Const Char *host, Int port) {

SSH2_Session* Sess;

SSH2_Session_init (& Sess);

// Add binance futures websocket api

ssh2_channel_open_connect (host, port, 0, & sess);


// Create a website connection to binance for future contracts

void dibish_connection (SSH2_Session Sess, Char Channel_name) {

IF (SSH2_Channel_open_Session (Sess) == -1) {

STD :: CERR << "Failed to open the channel:" << ssh2_channel_error (Sess) << STD :: Endl;



// Use the Websocket Communication created



Const Char *HOST = “BIF.Binance.

error: Website is protected !!