Total Quality Management (TQM) Course

Total Quality Management (TQM) Course provided by Guidance Consulting and Training

Are you seeking to enhance your quality management skills and achieve work excellence? Guidance Consulting and Training offers a specialized course in Total Quality Management and continuous improvement using the Kaizen methodology, designed to meet the needs of institutions and individuals seeking to achieve total quality practices.

Course Objectives

This course aims to:

Present and clarify the basic concepts of quality and total quality management:

  • Defining quality and its stages of development.
  • Total quality management and spreading the culture of change.
  • Total quality management as an approach to developing the competitive advantage of economic institutions and the concepts of institutional excellence.
  • Total quality management and continuous improvement (Kaizen).

Providing trainees with the skills and tools necessary to apply the concept of total quality management:

  • Applying various quality tools in all fields.
  • Improving the work environment to achieve excellence and business development.
  • Achieving the requirements of excellence in operations and competitiveness in any work system.

Course Program

Day One: Total Quality Management (Past, Present and Future)

  1. Quality Management:
  • Definition of quality.
  • Stages of development of quality control methods.
  • Dimensions and approaches to studying quality.
  • Quality costs.
  1. Total Quality Management:
  • The concept of Total Quality Management.
  • The eight basics of Total Quality Management.
  • The importance of Total Quality Management and its characteristics.
  • Pioneers of Total Quality Management.
  • Elements of Total Quality Success.
  1. Principles and requirements of Total Quality Management:
  • Principles of Total Quality Management.
  • Stages of implementing Total Quality Management.
  • Main requirements for implementing Total Quality Management.
  • Objectives, benefits, and obstacles to implementing Total Quality Management.
  • Quality Awards.
  • International Standards Series (ISO) and Total Quality Management.
  • Tools in Total Quality Management.

Day Two: Quality Management and the Culture of Change

  1. Quality Management and Change Requirements:
  • The concept of change and its types.
  • Types and areas of change under Total Quality Management.
  • Causes and driving forces of change.
  • Total Quality Management as an approach to a culture of change.
  • Change Management.
  1. Leadership and Total Quality Management (Establishing a Culture of Total Quality):
  • The concept of leadership.
  • Leadership theories and styles.
  • The role of leadership in applying the foundations and principles of Total Quality Management.

Day Three: Total Quality Management as an approach to excellence and developing competitive advantage

  1. Total Quality Management and Competitive Advantage.
  2. Total Quality Management and the Pillars of Competitiveness.
  3. Strategic Management of Total Quality.
  4. Total Quality Strategies.

Continuous Improvement (Kaizen Methodology)

  1. The Role of Total Quality Management in Improvement.
  2. Sustainable Improvement and Improvement Management.
  3. Juran’s Ten Principles for Quality Improvement.
  4. Stages of Improvement Projects.
  5. Total Quality Improvement Methods:
  • “Kaizen”.
  • “Gemba”.
  • “Muda”.
  • Principles of the “Kaizen Methodology”.
  • “Kaizen” Circles and the Stages of Implementing Continuous Improvement and Their Benefits.
  • “Gemba’s Five Golden Laws”.
  • The Eight Commandments for Implementing the “Kaizen Methodology”.

Target Audiences:

  • All workers in factories and production units.
  • All workers in projects and research and development centers.
  • All specialists in quality and performance excellence.
  • All specialists in occupational safety, health, and environment.
  • All public health specialists.
  • All workers in resources and human development.
  • All workers in management, planning, and organization.
  • All workers in training and institutional excellence development.
  • All workers in public and private education at all levels.
  • All workers in follow-up, investigation, business analysis, and human behavior.
  • All those interested and studying in the field of quality.

Why choose Guidance Consulting and Training Company?

At Guidance, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality training programs that reflect the latest global practices. We are committed to providing a comprehensive educational experience that ensures you achieve your professional goals and provides you with the knowledge and tools you need to achieve excellence in Total Quality Management.

Join us today to become part of the Total Quality Management course, and take advantage of the opportunity to enhance your career path with Guidance Consulting and Training Company.

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