Performing measurement of beneficiary satisfaction

Performing measurement of beneficiary satisfaction

It provides a mechanism for measuring the satisfaction level of beneficiaries (trainers and trainees) with the programs provided in the e-training.

The level of beneficiary satisfaction is measured through an electronic link sent to trainees and trainers at the end of the course, to identify the trainees’ satisfaction with the training programs, trainers, and suggestions that may contribute to the performance effectiveness of the courses provided through the site.

Knowing the opinions of beneficiaries of the site’s services and the courses provided, their comments, and suggestions helps to make the appropriate decision for the site’s management at the right time, to develop the distance e-learning process.

Mechanism for measuring the level of beneficiary satisfaction:

  • User satisfaction is measured by sending questionnaires after the training course provided.
  • Questionnaires sent to the trainer and trainee after measuring the level of satisfaction with the courses include some questions related to the training mechanism, its means, the trainer, etc.
  • Based on the satisfaction results, decisions are made to improve and develop the training courses and services provided through the website.

Satisfaction measurement tool (student/trainee)

Dear (student/trainee), we hope that you will fill out this form to measure your satisfaction with the training course and the service provided:

Beneficiary Satisfaction Scale – Guidance for Training Institute (Trainers)

Beneficiary Satisfaction Scale – Guidance for Training Institute (Trainee )

Guidance for consultation and training

We have the knowledge and experience to qualify institutions and individuals to comply with the requirements of the Saudi Standards, Quality and Environment Organization, the Saudi Food and Drug Authority, and other entities that impose legal and mandatory requirements in the Saudi market to achieve quality and the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

To qualify your facility, train its personnel and fulfill the required documents to implement systems and international standards.

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