Developing Saudi Organizations and Companies

Developing Saudi Organizations and Companies

Guidance Consulting and Training provides a service for developing Saudi organizations and companies in various fields to increase the institution’s effectiveness and contribute to facing behavioral and administrative challenges to achieve the required adaptation in a smooth professional manner, to improve efficiency, and increase productivity, in addition to directing the institution’s efforts towards solving its problems, by developing its methods for solving problems and adapting to the changing conditions of the surrounding environment. These methods include all the systems and procedures that help the institution identify the problems’ roots and develop actual solutions, in addition to choosing and applying new practices, developing follow-up plans, and evaluating good practices.

The importance of developing Saudi companies

Institutional development is concerned with upgrading administrative and food facilities according to correct standards and creating a distinctive environment according to high-performance indicators. It is one of the necessary processes that are essential to keep pace with changes in the market and the ability to compete. This can be achieved by experimenting with strategies and following up on the changes and events that the world is exposed to, in addition to the need to focus on the sales function and providing employees with the necessary skills and experiences that help them accomplish tasks with the highest quality and within a short period, which will contribute to achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

The institutional development process is based on five main points:

  1. Analysis and evaluation: This stage includes analyzing the current performance of the organization and identifying problems and opportunities that need development.
  2. Strategy development: This stage includes developing a plan to achieve the specified development goals.
  3. Implementation and organization: This stage includes implementing the specified plan and organizing the processes and procedures necessary to achieve the development goals.
  4. Monitoring and evaluation: This stage includes evaluating the results and ensuring specified goals have been achieved.
  5. Continuous improvement: This stage includes identifying areas that can be improved and developed and implementing the necessary changes.

Institutional Development lines of action

Establishments that achieve institutional excellence are more capable of remaining in the market and achieving long-term success. When an organization is distinguished from its competitors, it is more attractive to customers and can achieve higher sales and profits. In addition, excellence enhances the organization’s reputation and contributes to building strong relationships with customers and business partners.

The three stages of institutional development

Change: The institutional development process identifies businesses that need change and determines how to address these needs, leading to development.

Growth: Institutional development is an important tool in managing and planning growth in institutions, requiring work on analysis, planning, and design

Work procedures: Institutional development tools analyze work procedures to achieve efficiency and accuracy

Institutional Development to Achieve Institutional Excellence

To achieve institutional excellence, the company must consider several important factors. Among these factors are:

  1. Innovation and Development: Innovation and development are among the most important factors that help achieve institutional excellence. The company must innovate its products and services and continue to update and develop them.
  2. High Quality: High quality plays a crucial role in achieving institutional excellence. The company must strive to provide high-quality products and services that exceed customer expectations and achieve their complete satisfaction.
  3. Distinguished Customer Service: Customer service plays a major role in building institutional excellence. The company must be committed to providing distinguished customer service and responding to customer needs and requirements quickly and effectively.

The organizational structure represents the relationship between organizational units within the business entity (departments, sections, and units). The functional structure also describes the relationship between job holders (Supervisory hierarchy). Guidance Consulting and Training provides this service to structure new companies or restructure existing companies and organize and improve their administrative and institutional status, which is a vital step in the organization’s life. We rely on practical methodologies that combine global best practices and the business culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to maintain:

  • Technical specialization.
  • Ease of making and taking decisions.
  • Separation of duties and powers according to best practices in the field.
  • Application of applicable laws and regulations.

Stages of institutional excellence

Institutional excellence includes a multi-stage process to achieve excellence and distinction in the business market. The stages of institutional excellence can be divided into the following:

Stage 1: Analysis and evaluation

Stage 2: Strategy development

Stage 3: Implementation and organization

Stage 4: Monitoring and evaluation

Stage 5: Continuous improvement

Stage 1: Institutional evaluation

  • Evaluating the level of strategic maturity of the institution or organizational unit.
  • Recommending areas for improvement and proposed steps to be implemented.
  • We provide the service according to a methodology created by our consultants.

Stage 2: Strategy formulation

  • Developing and formulating the strategic direction (mission, vision, and most important strategic areas).
  • Identifying the activities and goals that should be focused on in the long term.

Stage Three: Developing the Follow-up System

  • Developing the follow-up and reporting system to ensure plan implementation, achieving the targets according to the plan, and taking steps and remedial acts to correct any deviation from the plan.

Stage Four: Administrative Development

  • Developing the organizational structure of the institution (organizational structure, job descriptions, matrix of powers, salary, and benefits system)
  • Developing the talent management system (competency framework, performance management, career progression planning, career succession planning)

Stage Five: Improving Processes

  • To reduce waste and improve process analysis from start to finish utilizing the Lean Six Sigma methodology to increase productivity and efficiency.
  • Building internal capacity in various sectors by qualifying the company’s employees to ensure continuous improvement.

Companies that adopt institutional development enjoy a culture of continuous improvement, which enhances communication and mutual interaction between employees within the company. It also empowers leaders and employees, raises creative and innovative capabilities, positively impacts the improvement of products and services, increases profitability, provides companies with a greater ability to adapt to external variables, and supports their competitive advantage.

Guidance for Consulting and Training

We have the knowledge and experience to help institutions and individuals, comply with the requirements of the Saudi Standards and Quality Organization, the Saudi Food and Drug Authority, and other entities that impose legal and mandatory requirements in the Saudi market.

To qualify and develop your institutional system, train your facility and its personnel, and complete management and quality systems documents.

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