Employees Roles and Responsibilities

The Institute is full of distinguished and professional administrative staff members who possess all the qualifications for success, which qualifies them to perform the tasks assigned to them and face the challenges and obstacles they face with all efficiency and effectiveness.

The Institute relies on human resources and diverse talents in terms of experience, working in all departments, sections, and organizational units of the Institute, in a stimulating work environment that enhances the spirit of innovation and creativity, and opens horizons for them to achieve the desired success and excellence.

The Institute supports administrative employees to develop them, raise their efficiency, and enable them to acquire new skills that benefit them and their work, through continuous training and development, whether in the form of group training courses held for employees, or individual support for each employee with specialized training courses in their field of work.

The Institute also adopts the concept of “teamwork” and “work teams”. Always seeks to enhance it through its internal policies and procedures in a way that motivates everyone to give and give and put the group interest before the individual, to achieve the Institute’s strategic goals.

The administrative and training staff constitute the two wings of the institute, working together in cooperation and harmony to form a successful work system for trainees, students, and the entire Saudi society service.

Roles and Responsibilities

Member nameRoleResponsibilitiesEmail
Abdulrahman Al-AzzazGeneral ManagerManaging all administrative and technical tasks 
Asmaa HaiderManaging DirectorManaging all administrative and technical tasksa.haider@guidance.sa
Sameh AbdoSales ManagerSupporting sales, marketing, and communicating with individuals and companiess.abdou@guidance.sa
Tahani Al-ZuraiqCorporate Marketing SpecialistProviding offers and services to individuals and companiest.alzuraiq@guidance.sa
Manahil Al-BunyanSupervisorManaging the in-person and online training process and its outcomes, and coordinating with the trainer and traineem.bunayan@guidance.sa
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