Excellence in Customer Service

Excellence in Customer Service

Excellence in customer service means providing different services uniquely and out of the ordinary to achieve customer expectations and satisfaction, as it must be available in many companies dealing directly or indirectly with customers. In this course, we will talk about excellence in customer service.

Course Beneficiaries

  • Employees working in marketing, media, public relations, and retail sales.
  • Graduates and job seekers.
  • Those who want to occupy leadership positions.

Course Topics

  • Providing the participants with the concept of the customer and its importance.
  • Introducing communication skills to understand the client.
  • Knowledge and analysis of the personality of customers.
  • Training to solve problems.
  • Knowing how to calm annoying customers.

Guidance Consulting and Training

Pioneers in management consulting, institutional excellence, and internationally accredited training. Contact us to book your seat now with the “Guidance Consulting and Training” Institute.

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