ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems and Obtaining It in Saudi Arabia

ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems and Obtaining It in Saudi Arabia

If you are seeking continuous improvement according to a professional systematic plan that is always based on auditing and environmental law in Saudi Arabia, as well as planning, implementation, operation, and also verifying corrective values, and last but not least, working on a management review of all environmental management systems.

The international standard ISO 14001 is what you need and are looking for, not because it is the most famous in the world according to the environmental management system, but because it is considered an effective integrated environmental management system and has been developed to help all institutions of various sizes and activities to maintain commercial success while considering preserving the environment as a top priority.

ISO 14001 Certification Terms and Specifications

The international standard for environmental management systems ISO 14001 depends on operational processes to achieve permanent success for institutions that apply this specification, which ensures tremendous economic growth, taking into account a significant reduction in the damage that occurs within institutions and that they cause to the environment.

At the end of 2015, a new version of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Specification was issued and developed to keep pace with all the complexities and developments that have recently occurred in the labor market, as the new version provides a complete approach to the environmental management system, the main focus of which is the sustainability of work within institutions while maintaining the environment permanently and continuously.

Conditions required to obtain the ISO 14001 certificate

During this stage, each institution must determine its necessary resources if it seeks to obtain the ISO 14001 certificate, including:

  • Analyzing the gap resulting from the institution’s operations and its products.
  • Determining the gap helps determine the points the institution needs before assessment.
  • Determining the gap helps reduce expenses, effort, and time savings.
  • Conducting an environmental survey.
  • Implementing an environmental management system and working to control it.
  • Documenting all procedures and operations within the institution that would implement the environmental file.
  • Establishing firm and decisive procedures for emergencies dealing with them quickly and responding quickly to all emergencies.
  • Work on creating training courses for employees on this system and making them aware of everything necessary to implement it.
  • Ensure that the institution’s employees apply the environmental system until the desired result is achieved by raising their efficiency to achieve standard results.
  • The institution’s keenness to be in constant contact to participate at the local and international levels.
  • Work on measuring to monitor operations and obtain the results of reports.
  • Work on taking all necessary measures to improve the performance of environmental administrative systems based on results.
  • The institution’s keenness to review the planning department is a guarantee the desired goals are met regularly.
  • Provide the necessary recommendations for further improvement of the system.
  • These recommendations are fed into the planning phase to implement them and achieve their goals.
  • Work on improving the general structure of environmental management, which allows for an increase in knowledge accumulation in dealing with relevant environmental issues.
  • Top management’s keenness to apply the above to make the most of the specification advantages.

Guidance Consulting and Training Company provides services for establishing and developing environmental systems following ISO 14001:2015 and Saudi laws, with step-by-step implementation follow-up.

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