Mechanism for checking trainees’ work and preventing cheating and identity theft

The institute has many electronic systems that were developed specifically for this purpose and work integrated to provide smart reports on student follow-up through several electronic procedures, and several aspects including assignments, discussion room participation, attendance at the time of performing the assignment or tests, which are shown in the rooms designated for trainees, the number of daily entry through the system… and many other aspects including:

  1. Activating the weekly discussions on assignments and activities with the course teacher to ensure that the student understands, is familiar with, and has submitted the assignment. Within the weekly assignments, we mainly find oral discussions and discussion rooms that have a relative weight within the course grades. In addition, discussions, assignments, and discussion rooms are closed each week, and cannot be made available to the student again after the time allocated for them has ended.
  2. Check the repeated semester work not based on the student’s efforts and take the necessary action.
  3. The student’s entry into the institute’s e-learning system is monitored and the time of attending all lectures is recorded.
  4. Electronic tests are opened and the student is received in a session in the course trainer or supervisor’s presence. When the test begins, the trainee is not allowed to enter the test after 15 minutes from the start and is not permitted to leave the test before the end of the test time.
  5. Activating the question bank in all course topics so that the tests are created independently from the computer based on several criteria, including the learning outcomes that the test items must cover, and the level of ease or difficulty so that the resulting tests are at the same level for all trainees.
  6. Preventing the copy/paste feature on the semester work portals by relying on the Lockdown browser linked to the system at the institute, which prevents the process of copying, pasting, and opening other programs such as the Office programs, and PDF files, while preventing copying the exam so that they are not shared.
  7. Assignments are discussed by the course trainer or a committee so that the trainee is discussed in all aspects, sources, and content to ensure that the student’s work is completely free of fraud or cheating.
  8. Facial movement and sign tracking can be used after the person is photographed several times to control students’ movements. This technology exposes the trainee to cheating while moving his pupil upwards to think. It can also record all the devices that the trainee enters with and all the available Internet data that the trainee uses to enter electronic systems to verify if the trainee enters from a place other than the one used, thus revealing the student who resorts to different parties to perform activities and duties instead of them.


  1. Impersonating another person to apply for the exam on his behalf or agreeing with another to apply for the exam on his behalf.
  2. Committing any behavior that would negatively affect the course of the exam, whether the goal is to cheat in the exam or for any other reason.
  3. Misbehavior towards any of his colleagues or exam supervisors Obtaining or attempting to obtain the exam questions before starting it in any way.
  4. Viewing or attempting to view the exam questions and answering them before the exam supervisor authorizes the exam to start, or answering or trying to answer the questions after the specified time for the exam has ended.
  5. Committing any form of cheating in the test, including, for example: unauthorized contact (by the test supervisor) with others, viewing or attempting to view any information sources, whether paper or electronic (such as books and notes) during the test.
  6. Disclosing or attempting to disclose test questions or answers to another trainee. Help or try to help another trainee commit cheating on the test.
  7. Attempting to use any unauthorized materials, means, or devices during the test and extracting test questions by any means.
  8. Failure to comply with test instructions/test supervisor related to the test procedure organization, such as refusing to open the test applicant’s camera for the test or failing to cease contrary conduct alerted by the test supervisor.


In the event of committing any violation of the rules, the violator shall be subject to one or more of the following penalties: issuing a warning to deprive him/her from entering any upcoming course, considering the applicant to have failed some or all of the test subjects, canceling the applicant’s results in previous tests, depriving him/her from entering the tests for one or more courses, provided that the period of deprivation does not exceed one year as a maximum.

The trainee pledges to the mechanism and systems for preventing cheating and identity theft

Pledge link

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