Nutritional Facts and Calorie Counting Service

Nutritional Facts and Calorie Counting Service

Our office is accredited by the Saudi Food and Drug Authority to provide calorie Counting and other nutritional data for restaurants, cafes, and establishments working in catering.

Calorie Counting Service, Nutritional Data, and Allergens for Other Food Products in addition to preparing accurate nutritional reports for all menu recipes

The calorie calculator is based on factors such as age, gender, weight, and level of physical activity. It is used to calculate the daily calories consumed by a person.

Other nutritional data includes:

Total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbohydrates, dietary fiber, total sugars, added sugar, and protein.

Our services are by licensed food service professionals, we guarantee compliance with the Food and Drug Authority regulations.

Available Nutrition Data and Nutritional Information Services:

Saudi Food and Drug Authority – Nutritional Data in E-Store/Online Sales: This service aims to build a database of baby food products and novel foods and provide electronic services to imported and locally produced food establishments to ensure the safety of these products by adhering to their approved technical regulations.

Writing Nutritional Data on Food Product Labels: This service helps provide accurate nutritional data on food product labels.

Nutritional Data in the form of a traffic light: This service provides an infographic explaining the colors of the nutritional traffic light and its benefits to consumers and patients, in addition to methods of comparing products

Nutritional Facts

Based on the nutritional analysis of your recipe or from 100 grams data, in addition to the package size and label dimensions, we determine the serving weight and daily needs and then prepare a nutritional facts table following the Saudi Food and Drug Authority requirements.

خدمة حساب السعرات الحرارية والبيانات والحقائق التغذوية ومسببات الحساسية للمنتجات الغذائية.

What are nutritional facts?

Nutritional facts are information related to the nutritional value of foods and beverages. These facts include various nutrient components such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. This information can be found on food product packaging or online food databases. By knowing the nutritional facts, people can make healthy decisions about their eating habits and meet their daily nutrient needs.

Guidance for Consulting and Training

Pioneers of management consulting, excellence, institutional development, and internationally accredited training according to the Saudi Standards and Quality Organization requirements, the Saudi Food and Drug Authority, and other accredited bodies that impose legal and mandatory requirements in the Saudi market.

Calorie Counting service, nutritional data, and allergens for food products

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