Organizational Structure Design Skills

Organizational Structure Design Skills

Course Description

The organizational structure is considered the skeleton of any institution or organization, it shows the organizational units within hierarchical levels linked to each other by authority links that include instructions, orders, and relationships.

It is a drawing that shows or clarifies the tasks and responsibilities of the company’s parts, and how they are connected.

It is a set of rules and bureaucratic regulations that give individuals the right to issue orders to others to achieve efficiency.

We in this course, will learn the “formal mechanism” through which the organization can be managed by defining the lines of authority and communication between heads and subordinates.

Course beneficiaries

  • Managers of commercial institutions and companies.
  • Heads of human resources departments.
  • All employees in management departments.
  • Students of business administration colleges in all universities.

Course Topics

  1. Organizational life cycle and the nature of its size.
  2. Getting to know the company design models, advantages, disadvantages, and how to choose the most appropriate for your company.
  3. Distinguishing between traditional and flexible organizational structures (Agile vs. waterfall).
  4. Elements that make up any organizational structure and how to create your company structure step by step.
  5. Conflict of interests, powers, policy areas, and informal groups.
  6. Institutional values ​​and culture “What is not drawn in the organizational structure” and the designing five rules.
  7. Job design.

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