Training plan for trainers

Training Institute management relies on two methods in dealing with trainers through the accredited courses.

The first method:

It provides courses through Guidance for Training Institute’s trainers, and through this option, workshops and experiments are held until all aspects of the Learning Management System are mastered.

These practical training and workshops ensured and confirmed that all trainers at Guidance Training Institute have mastered dealing with the educational platform and submitting training with a zero-error rate.

The second method:

It provides courses through contracting with external trainers, and in this option, trainers are contracted annually, through this contract, all files and policies related to managing the LMS educational platform are sent, as well as remote training on how to deal with the platform and use all specifications and features and harness them for trainees.

Through what has been mentioned, which leaves no room for anything but excellence and creativity in the training process, other than that, the management of the Guidance for Training Institute allows communication with technical support not only for trainees but also for trainers, other technical support is present in all courses provided by the Guidance for Training Institute, which is capable of handling any technical emergency.

Technology Use:

  • Every year, all trainers are introduced, informed, and activated to the educational platform to explain and clarify how to deal with technical tools and use them to deliver lessons in the required manner according to the professional and technical specifications at Guidance for Training Institute.
  • Trainers are also introduced to logging into the site with the login data provided, then moving to the intermediate applications used in the educational environment and ensuring they can utilize it easily.
  • We ensure that all trainers have the tools to deliver the course ideally, such as the computer used, its speed and memory, microphone, and speaker.
  • The presentation slides for the lessons are reviewed with the trainer and the process of navigating between pages is explained, as how to review the attendance sheet and direct questions to trainees and give them opportunities to participate in the lesson and ask questions through the hand sign in the program and how to open or close the microphone to speak.

Below are instructions for the trainer to be fully aware of the assigned responsibility.

Instructions for trainers:

  • Reading the package and all its contents well increases your training efficiency, and training session management, and saves you a lot of embarrassment in the training hall.
  • Always take the training package with you whenever you are in the training hall because you always need its contents to help you.
  • According to the time in the programs accurately and making sure to invest the full time according to the plan set for each session is a contributing factor in achieving the program goals.
  • Giving the training activities their full right according to the plan of time to achieve their goals.
  • Activating the role of the trainee in the program so that the trainer is a coordinator and manager of the dialogue and discussion inside the hall, makes the training program more effective and exciting.
  • Forming groups randomly after each training session to maintain the vitality of the trainees and benefit from diverse experiences; unless the activity requires homogeneous groups according to specialization, for example.
  • Ensuring interaction during the training process helps the trainee achieve the goals of the training session.
  • Summarizing the work of the groups after the presentation and discussion and putting it in the form of points on the board.
  • At the end of each training session ensure a learning summary is determined.
  • The trainer should not skip a step or stage in the package unless he is sure of the minimum level of mastery among all trainees.
  • The implementation time for a step or stage can be shortened when the trainer is sure of the trainees’ mastery and respects their capabilities and experiences.

E-content development:

With the multiplicity of educational platforms working in this field, we had to continuously strive to upgrade the content provided in all courses to keep pace with the requirements of the labor market in our current era.

  • We update the course content periodically and ensure that everything new is provided regarding what is given to trainees. Also, we ensure the axes, objectives, and means of the presented curriculum are aligned with the institute’s academic team and the trainer who will present the course.
  • We also verify all internationally known professional courses and ensure that the presented curriculum is required for all existing international and local standards.
  • Practical implementation of the scenario that was developed and the use of design programs to write the content and produce educational resources and media according to the vision and aspirations of the Guidance for Training Institute.

Interaction in e-learning:

Interaction in e-learning is divided into two types:

Synchronous interaction, asynchronous interaction. This can be explained as follows:

  • Synchronous interaction:

It means live interaction at the same time. Communication between the trainer, the trainee, and peers happens simultaneously. It is called Learning-e-live or synchronous learning. For example, the trainer asks the trainees a question to answer immediately through many tools or applications used in computer networks such as chat rooms, the collaborative whiteboard, audio conferences, or video.

  • Asynchronous interaction:

It is where communication between the trainer, the trainee, and peers is asynchronous, meaning that it is not at the same moment, meaning there is a time interval between the trainer’s message to the trainee and receiving a response. For example, the trainer sends a message to one of the trainees asking him to answer a specific question, and the student responds late. The tools and applications used to complete asynchronous interaction are e-mail, mailing lists, newsgroups, electronic discussion boards, and audio and visual media.

Training Content Management Systems:

Trainers are given the ability to create, develop, and modify training content more effectively.

This is done by creating a repository in the system and including files so that they can be easily controlled, collected, distributed, and reused in a way that suits the elements of the training process from the trainer, trainee, educational designer, and course expert. It is often preferable to have the skills acquired. At the same time, this interaction can be extrapolated from the trainee or learner so that the designer can modify the content to suit the trainee’s performance. Content management systems also allow trainees or learners to add and exchange content between them.

Virtual Classrooms:

They are tools, technologies, and software the Internet enables the trainer to publish lessons and objectives, set homework and study tasks, and communicate with trainees through multiple technologies. They also enable the student to read educational objectives and lessons, do homework, send tasks, participate in discussion and chat forums, and view his progress in the lesson and the grade he obtained. Virtual classes are mostly made up of the following components:

  • Direct communication feature (voice only or audio and video)
  • Chat Text.
  • E-Board
  • Direct sharing of systems, programs, and applications (between the trainer and trainees or between the trainees themselves)
  • Sending and exchanging files directly between the trainer and trainees.
  • Follow up with the trainer and communicate with each trainee individually or with a group of trainees at the same time
  • PowerPoint
  • Video Clips
  • Users Ban
  • Talk Clear
  • Recording the lecture (Recording L) audio and written

After choosing to open from the browser or open from the application, you will be transferred to the virtual hall:

  • The names of the trainees appear.
  • The presentation slides appear.
  • The ability to control trainees’ microphones by turning them off and on.
  • Allow the trainees the authority to display their discussions, exercises, and contributions.
  • The ability to create more than one team and distribute the trainees in the form of groups.
  • The ability to create a daily preparation for each trainee

Full explanations of the e-learning system and how to deal

The trainer/trainee. At Guidance for Training Institute (translated). Click here 

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