HACCP system in food Facilities

HACCP system in food Facilities

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points System A system concerned with the health and safety of the food product and works to identify and evaluate risks and control potential risks,
ISO Certification in Saudi Arabia 2024

ISO Certification in Saudi Arabia 2024

Guidance Consulting and Training works to provide ISO certificates to institutions and individuals in addition to various quality management systems in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Also to provide rehabilitation
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are practices required to conform to the guidelines recommended by agencies that control the authorization and licensing of the manufacture and sale of food and beverages,
Good Hygiene Practices GHP

Good Hygiene Practices GHP

The Good Hygiene Practices program (a cleaning, disinfection, and health requirements program in the field of food) applies the conditions that must be followed by people around the world and
Saudi GAP

Saudi GAP

Saudi Good Agricultural Practices (Saudi GAP) aims to improve agricultural practices, increase safe agricultural production, preserve the environment, qualify farmers and technicians, enhance consumer confidence in agricultural products, and open
Evaluating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Evaluating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key performance indicators (KPIs) help organizations achieve business and investment goals and strategic growth opportunities and as a means of verifying the extent to which employees, teams, projects, and desired
HACCP Level 2 Course

HACCP Level 2 Course

Description of the Course The training program talks first about the definitions and concepts of food safety and the food safety management system and its definition, then it moves to
Cyber ​​Security

Cyber ​​Security

Course Description Computer science and information security experts in the Kingdom confirmed that the royal order to establish the (National Cybersecurity Authority) and its association with the Custodian of the
Total Quality Management (TQM) and its Elements

Total Quality Management (TQM) and its Elements

The history of TQM began as a term coined by the Naval Air Systems Command of the US Department of Defense to describe a Japanese-style management approach to quality improvement.
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