Institutional Development Services

Institutional Development Services

The organizational structure represents the relationship between organizational units within a business entity (departments, divisions, and units). The job structure represents the relationship between the incumbents (the supervisory hierarchy). Guidance Consulting and Training Company provides this service for structuring new companies or restructuring existing companies. This is a vital step in the life of the company. Guidance Consulting and Training Company relies on practical methodologies that combine both international best practices and business culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to maintain:

  • Technical specialization.
  • Facilitating making and making decisions.
  • Separation of duties and powers following best practices in the field.
  • Application of applicable laws and regulations.

Institutional Evaluation

  • Evaluating the level of strategic maturity of the institution or the organizational unit.
  • Recommending areas for improvement and proposed steps to be implemented.
  • We provide the service according to a methodology created by our consultants.

Strategy Formulation

  • Developing and formulating strategic direction (mission, vision, and the most important strategic areas)
  • Determining the activities and goals that must be focused on in the long term
  • Developing a follow-up system and reports to ensure the implementation of the plan and the achievement of targets following the plan and taking remedial steps and plans to correct any deviation from the administrative development plan.
  • Developing the organizational structure of the institution (organizational structure, job descriptions, powers matrix, salary and benefits system)
  • Development of the talent management system (competence framework, performance management, career progression planning, career succession planning) and process improvement.
  • Reducing waste and improving Lean Six Sigma, end-to-end process analysis using process methodology that increases productivity and efficiency.
  • Build internal capacity in various sectors by qualifying the company’s employees to ensure continuous improvement.

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